It's that time of year again.
September looms on the calendar and I find
myself reminiscing about the
excitement of going back to school.
New pencils, freshly sharpened to a lethal point,
notebooks with their covers still shiny and smooth,
and the fall shopping excursion to our
local department store for three new outfits
to last until spring.
I was especially in love with jumpers.
Wool ones. This was not a practical choice since September in Texas is still quite hot and
our school was lacking an important component
for wool, air conditioning.
Jumpers, does anyone actually wear them anymore?
Then came the lunch box.
I would stand gazing at all the options and styles trying to decide who would go home with me,
Huckleberry Hound, The Jetson's,
Barbie? So hard to choose!
I loved the smell of a new thermos!
Finally, Sunday night would arrive. After dinner we would take our baths, put on our PJ's and settle in to watch our favorite Sunday TV show.
My favorite episodes featured Ranger Woodlore,
he introduced me to our National Parks and
the world beyond my neighborhood.
Of course I always felt queasy that first morning.
5th grade was particularly tragic, Mom informed me at breakfast that I would be escorting myself to my classroom while she took care of my younger sister!
I survived and in later years had to learn to
adjust to new schools in new states.
Soon I was taking my own boys shopping for
pencils (still yellow), notebooks (with Ninja Turtles and Transformer covers), and school uniforms.
But time moves on and even that has come to an end. Still, BACK TO SCHOOL signs fill me with excitement.
I am not quite sure why.
Could be the anticipation of cooler weather,
football or upcoming fall holidays.
I find myself drawn to the aisles of glue and
construction paper wondering
what happened to jar paste?
So for those of you with school age kids,
savor this last summer night before the
first day of classes.
Help pack backpacks and marvel over new school supplies. Share your first day memories and remember, your children are building memories they will
share with their children one day.
As for me, I guess tomorrow I will be looking
for a new wool jumper!
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