Wednesday, April 23, 2014

April in Paris

There are songs about Paris in April,
"I love Paris in the Springtime..."
or how about
"I never knew the charm of Spring....til April in Paris"
So with those verses running through my head, 
my husband and I headed to Paris in a April as part of an anniversary trip a few years back.
After the trip, my best advice for April travel in Europe,
go to Rome!
Granted it was early April but I did not expect 
the cold, rainy gray days that greeted us.

Maggie wrapped up for train trip into Paris from our small cottage outside the city.

We arrived at Gare du Nord 
(train station in Northern Paris)
and stepped out into a cold wind reminiscent
of our days on Texas Tech's campus. 
The crowd from the station quickly dispersed and 
we were soon the only souls trudging along the 
avenues in the whipping wind.
Destination ~ City Center.
After a good 20 minute walk (at a very snappy pace) 
we made it to the Seine.
The cloud covered sky was gray and threatening
rain but as they say in Paris
c'est la vie!

Gray Seine

We continued our stroll through the streets, 
looking for landmarks.
Notice everyone wearing coats.
Eiffel Tower blending in with the gray horizon.
In the park, we came across school girls whom
I suppose were out enjoying the spring weather,
all in their Madeline uniforms.

Jardin des Tuileries

More coat~laden Parisians in the park.

Gray skies across from the gardens...
Musee' du Louvre

I think I know now why there are so many paint colors
that are called French Gray!

Just as the sun started peeking through the clouds
I decided it was time for a break from the weather,
but no wine for this Parisian visit, 
today called for hot chocolate!

There are several establishments famous for their 
concoctions, Angelina's or Jean Paul Hevin, but
we settled for a simple walk up cafe' out of the wind
where we could listen to the street performers.


Because this trip itinerary followed a route from 
Rome to Belgium, we only had Paris for a day so 
with at least our insides warmed up, we headed 
back to the train and our small cottage on the
outskirts of town.
So lesson for the day ~ when traveling don't let 
weather slow you down.  
When in Paris, don't be a tourist, be a Parisian!
 Join the families in the park for a stroll, 
sit on a bench along the Seine and people watch,
amble arm in arm gazing through shop windows.
Just enjoy the fact you are there 
and the next time you travel
to Paris remember the next line of Cole Porter's song...
I love Paris in the Fall!

Can't take your mother to Paris for Mother's Day?
Visit our April in Paris sale and bring a 
little bit of France to her!


on Pinterest.

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